detail of a drop at the Roerkade in Roermond
For the exhibition in the town of Roermond MAAS I designed a third river flow from a high point in the town downwards to the banks of the river Roer and the river Maas. The Stedelijk Museum Roermond where work by the same artist was shown was the starting point of the exhibition. When I discovered that this was the highest point in the route I decided to make traces of water starting from the stairs of the museum . Research showed that I could pour tin puddles shimmering in the sun. At about 25 locations spread over two kilometers are sometimes one drop and sometimes a complete stream to see between the pavement. In the Stedelijk Museum Roermond, I have shown the video 'I Think I am a sailor', a silent story about the love for sailing. Together with this exhibition is a book published with a text on my work by Ad Himmelreich (MAAS, published by the Limburgs Museum, ISBN 90-73363-17-9).

Brugstraat, Roermond